Scars and dimples bioplasty
Scars and depressions can be softened with fill, improving the appearance of the skin. Marks left by surgical procedures tend to be reduced with the application of hyaluronic acid or PMMA.
There are two types of fillers, absorbable and definitive. Absorbable compounds such as hyaluronic acid are generally substances in the human body that, when no longer naturally produced, can be applied manually to resume their functions. The difference between definitive and absorbable compounds is that the effects obtained with absorbable substances regress as they dissolve throughout the body, as do definitive materials.
Best known for their application in bioplasty, definitive fillers like PMMA are polymers created to permanently reduce scars and depressions. Composed of biocompatible colloid suspended polymethyl methacrylate microspheres, the definitive fillers are recommended for those who do not want or cannot undergo repeated needling processes or for those who have experienced the effects of filling scars and depressions with hyaluronic acid and now wish to have a permanent bioplasty. .
Acne scars are among the most annoying to patients. This type of depression leaves very shallow marks and therefore easy to be coated. Filling for acne scars, by virtue of all these factors, are very popular. On the other hand, the nasogenic groove, famous Chinese mustache, is among the most corrected depressions with fill and bioplasty.
The entire procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and the person can resume normal activities the next day. Applications of absorbable or permanent substances are made under local anesthesia, keeping the patient awake so that he can see and give an opinion on the applications instantly. All to reduce the risk of waking up to an unwanted appearance.